Servicio De Eviccion
D Best Realty, Inc does excellent work when it comes to finding suitable tenants to fill rental properties.
We conduct stringent interviews and thoroughly review applications to determine if the applicant is financially capable and responsible to lease the property.
However, from time to time, tenants just don't work out. Some lose their jobs and become unable to pay their rent, while others prove to be irresponsible and a disturbance or nuisance at a property.
Depending on the situation, there are different laws, rules and regulations property owners and managers must take into account before evicting a tenant for one of these or other similar reasons.
When Eviction is Possible?
There are three main situations in which property owners and managers can evict their renters. These scenarios include:​
Failure to pay rent.
Not upholding the terms of their lease.
Not upholding their responsibilities under California Civil Code.
Staying after their lease ends (after given proper notice).
Foreclosure of rental property.
Illegal activity.
While there may be other situations where eviction
is feasible (and recommended), these are the

primary conditions which call for removing a tenant from a property
The eviction process can be completed in five to eight weeks, but may take longer depending on the reason and whether it’s contested. All evictions follow the same step-by-step process:
The landlord gives the tenant notice to “cure” the issue or vacate.
If the issue isn’t resolved on time, the landlord files a complaint with the county court.
The court serves the tenant with a Summons & Complaint.
The tenant can contest. If they don’t, the landlord files a motion to obtain a Judgment.
If the court grants it, they’ll post a Writ of Execution at the property.
Finally, the sheriff returns possession of the property to the landlord.
Due to governor Gavin Newson's Covid-19 eviction moratorium which banned evictions for tenants affected by Covid-19 until October 2021, eviction processing times have changed.

Ofrecemos una gama completa de servicios de desalojo, incluyendo:
Pre-Eviccion Consejo
Somos solucionadores de problemas.
A veces un desalojo es el remedio adecuado, sin embargo, puede que no siempre sea el caso. Analizaremos su situación y determinaremos si un desalojo es su mejor curso de acción o recomendará un plan diferente.
El costo de los servicios varía, por favor contáctenos al (661) 834-1111 para una cita. Tenga en cuenta que los servicios adicionales, tales como: transporte de basura/escombros, limpieza de la escoba, asegurar la propiedad y cambiar chapas con llaves pueden ser proporcionados por
D Best Servicio De Mantenimento por un bajo costo adicional.
Cost for the services vary, please contact us at (661) 834-1111 for a quote. Please be advised that additional services such as: haul away of trash/debris, broom clean, securing the property and re-keying can be provided by D Best Maintenance Services for an additional cost.

Rent and Utility Assistance is available for current and past-due bills
Assistance from the Housing Authority is available until September 30, 2025, or sooner if funds run out. If tenants are eligible, they may receive up to 12 months of assistance, plus an additional 3 months to help ensure they are able to remain in the house or apartment.
The program prioritizes paying late rent or utility bills that could result in an eviction, and grants must be used to reduce any past-due balances before you can receive assistance for future rent payments.
Tenants don't have to be behind on rent or utility payments to apply. If tenants who rent a home or apartment and have income that has been affected by COVID-19, they may qualify for assistance.
Click on the link below to be taken the kern county housing authority rental assistance program website to apply.